CIP (Cleaning In Place) cleaning stations are designed for cleaning in a closed circuit the internal surfaces of installations and equipment after production and for preparation of facilities prior to the production Our cleaning stations provide high control of key parameters of the cleaning process, such as time, temperature, concentration and flow. Simultaneously, the stations minimise the loss of detergents by the cleaning phase change, and ensure water savings at the rinsing stage. A programme of the cleaning stations is based on defined individual recipes for each washing circuit, ensuring the repeatability of the cleaning process.

The tank cleaning stations are used in areas in which there is a need for cleaning several circuits simultaneously. The stations are constructed of tanks connected to the heating and control system of the cleaning process. The arrangement of tanks in the facility and their capacity are adjusted to individual needs. We offer the following options for cleaning stations:

  • cleaning using three, four or more independent tracks
  • cleaning in a single phase (acidic agent) or two-phase (alkaline and acidic agent) system
  • possibility of adding the tanks for various concentrations of the agents or a different composition of the agent, e.g. in the case of the track cleaning devices of the butter processing machine
  • capacity of tanks of 3,000 l, 5,000 l, 10,000 l or other on the special order of the Client
  • chemical disinfection in a closed circulation
  • secondary water tank with a capacity of … litres for the use of water from the preceding rinsing for the preliminary rinsing in the following cleaning cycle
  • cleaning capacity up to 30,000 l/h regulated by the speed of the pump or higher on the special order of the Client
  • measurement of the pressure on the cleaning circuit supply and the flow enabling to set the nominal and critical values in the cleaning recipes
  • tank with the system of the cleaning agent neutralisation before discharging it into drains
  • tank with the water heating system for the rinsing of hot cleaning cycles.

Our offer includes also the tank cleaning stations with tanks for the cleaning agents and for water, placed one on the other in the form of an isolated storage tank silo, located outside the plant building. The advantage of such an arrangement is space-saving, and the room size is reduced only to the heating-control system of the cleaning process.